Monday, April 25, 2011

Breakfast Woes

Where I work, members of my "team" switch off bringing breakfast every week. On occasion someone will bring in something homemade or out of the norm, but generally these weekly breakfasts consist of either Dunkin Donuts or fast food. I like donuts, I really do, but to eat them every week is not only unhealthy, its boring me out of my mind. The first opportunity I had to make breakfast I did a pretty decent job. I made a spinach and egg casserole and to my delight it was a big hit amongst my co-workers. Why would I spend my own time and money to create something so delicious? Good question.

1. Selfish as it is sounds, I wanted to eat something both tasty and cost-effective for breakfast
2. I thought it would encourage others to follow suit and bring home-cooked breakfast also.
3. I like to cook and thoroughly enjoyed watching people eat something that I didn't buy at a gas station.

This week its my turn to bring breakfast. Part of me would like to take the easy way out and bring bagels and cream cheese and not waste my time. However, I think the satisfaction of cooking and serving a moderately healthy dish improves team morale and togetherness. Instead of eating donuts on napkins, I want to provide a nutritious and filling meal that will spur conversation of life beyond Dunkin.

Now I just need a recipe.

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